Breakfast with Santa and Pictures with Santa Claus in Connecticut

Make lasting holiday memories through a visit with St. Nick! Photo courtesy of Lyman Orchards
Make lasting holiday memories through a visit with St. Nick! Photo courtesy of Lyman Orchards
11/12/23 - By Jennifer Coe

The 2023 holiday season is upon us and Santa events for Connecticut families—like breakfasts with Santa and photos with Santa—are happening all over the state. The man in red is busy this time of year, but not too busy to make the rounds of breakfasts, festivals and nature spots. Maybe you can catch sight of him arriving on a tugboat or on a short train ride. Santa loves pancakes and sometimes he likes to indulge in a donut (or three). He also loves farm animals as much as your kids do!

Tip: Book seats for your little elves now, because some of these events with Santa fill up fast! Check to see if photo opportunities require pre-registration, as many of them do. For other Santa sightings around Connecticut, check  out our favorite New England holiday activities. And go for a holiday drive through one of the Best Holiday Light Drive-Thru Displays.

Places featured in this article:

East Hartland Firehouse

First Congregational Church of Meriden
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